
Books & Reptiles

Tag: love

When Harry Met Sally (Movie Review For Those Best Friends Who Fall In Love)


I would like to do movie reviews, it’s like a book review but for motion pictures, and I know that most of you should watch movies, good movies. I like to write reviews I notice, I also review on goodreads, and yelp, and now here. I spend my time critizing places, and objects like it’s my job.

When Harry Met Sally, I heard about this movie because I’m from New York. The popular Katz diner scene, is in the famous Katz Delicatessen. The story is about Harry and Sally and how they both leave Chicago after graduating from their university and head to New York together. During the car ride to New York Harry and Sally hit it off to a very awkward start when Harry compliments Sally and Sally takes it as if Harry’s hitting on her, then she says to him that she wants to be friends which Harry’s response too as “A guy can’t be friends with a girl he finds attractive because they will remotely want to have sex.” This is where it leaves off until 5 years later that they meet again.

During the second meeting Harry is about to get married, and Sally started dating a guy as well. However 5 more years later on their third encounter they have been left and heartbroken by the same people, which brings them together into an unexpected friendship where they are able to talk their feelings out and feel comfortable with each other. The famous Katz Deli scene really explains how easy and open Harry and Sally have become with each other. Of course like all stories you start to see feelings develop between the to characters.

This is a very easy movie, it’s simple. You get the idea that Harry and Sally are meant to be together, and you see the process of their friendship to lovers clearly. It’s a movie where the characters talk a lot, and theirs not much action, just simple dialect of two lovely people and their friends who don’t really play a major role but they are there.  When Harry Met Sally is a good movie for those who love romantic comedies, or just want to watch a movie with your other half. I think I expected a little more from this flick then what i was given, but I wasn’t disappointed.

Gone Girl REVIEW by Gillian Flynn (The Reason You Shouldn’t Mess With Woman).



What do you do when you’re wife disappears and all the evidence makes you the prime suspect?

*This review will contain spoilers and cussing towards the end, so I suggest you stop by the warning*

I picked up Gone Girl because it didn’t take long before this book soared up as a best seller, I swear everybody on goodreads was reading this and their mothers. A phycological thriller focusing around a 5 year marriage between Nick and Amy Dunne, written by Gillian Flynn. The summary of the book sounded gripping, Amy disappears during the 5th anniversary of her marriage, and all the evidence points to Nick, her husband who is the owner of “The Bar” a family owned business and who’s marriage is secretly falling apart.

Amy Dunne, you are badass. You’re a bit of a crazy bitch, but you are one badass woman, I couldn’t decide wether I liked Amy’s character or she disgusted me. Nick Dunne, I loathed you because you were a terrible husband, but I felt bad for you. But lets just talk about the toxic relationship between Amy and Nick and how this romanced flourished, and then was left as a murder scene. Amy and Nick meet at a writers party, Amy writes girl quizzes for a magazine, and Nick is a writers who’s loosing his job to the modern use of technology so he is laid off. This is the reason why writers can’t date, I always said this, Writers can’t click because they’re mentally self absorbed, and when you and your partner are both individually egoistic it suffocates the possibilities of a stable relationship, because you will never understand each other.

Amy lived her whole life being the center of attention, her parents have made a fortune out of their best seller Amy Series, about a fictional girl who was inspired by Amy herself, however the Amy in the books does correct choices, the Amy in real life hates being her the idea investing into her parents wallets. Amy has lived a lavishing life style in New York City, and Nick has lived a suburban middle class life style in Missouri before moving to New York. Nick is also close to his twin sister Margo, before and after his mothers death which is the reason Nick takes his wife Amy (who never plans to leave the comfort of her City) and moves him to his town of Missouri without even asking or considering how Amy would take it. Amy however takes it quite well, she spends the last days taking care of Nick’s mom, and looking over Nick’s father, who in his eyes a woman and a man are not equal. He has been send to a nursing home, because Nick and Margo were never really able to forgive him for how he treated their mother.

On their 5th anniversary, Nick and Amy have an argument the night before. Amy however wakes up the next morning with a pleasant greeting for her husband during breakfast, before he sets off to go to work. Nick leaves Amy in the kitchen and heads off to “The Bar” which he manage to buy with Amy’s reminding trust funds, so therefore it’s technically Amy’s bar (Yes, I hate Nick). Upon getting to the bar and serving himself a drink, he receives a call from a neighbor letting him know his cat is sitting outside his house with the door wide open, now this is strange because Amy would never allow the cat outside, thinking he can run away or get himself into an accident. When Nick gets home, Amy is gone and all that is left is a house set up to look like a kidnap, and not only that a murder scene.


In order to understand the crime scene, you have to understand Nick and Amy. Nick and Amy are the opposites that attracted under heavy circumstances of loneliness. Once Amy disappears, it’s normal that a husband should morn and feel emotional, and take action to find his wife, however Nick does not look the least concern to know where Amy is, because Nick is no longer in love with Amy. However we’re also learning about the past tense of the relationship throughout a couple of Amy’s diary entries, in them she writes about how she fell in love with Nick, why she was happy living with Nick, but how he through a number of aggressive tantrums unexpectedly. We also start to learn little details, such as Amy trying to buy a gun because she felt she needed to defend herself, and the pregnancy test that concluded she was having a baby, Amy always wanted a baby although she was told she was most likely never going to be able to have children, Nick however has never really shown any interest in being a father.

A tradition of Amy’s is that every anniversary she sets up certain clues for Nick, in order to get to his present, due to these clues Nick starts to unfold the crime, and it’s obvious that Amy is framing her loving husband, for what reason? For being a cheater. But how can Nick come to show he is not the criminal, he would have to admit to the whole neighborhood that he’s been unfaithful to his loving wife.  As Nick begins to try to prove himself not guilty, he can’t help but feel as if the only way out is to let out some secrets of his own. Meanwhile Amy has gotten her money stolen she had saved up and she decides to take refugee with her ex boyfriend Desi Collings who’s spend his entire life obsessing over Amy. So we start feeling for Amy, because she’s a good woman who needs to teach Nick a lesson, till we also learn that Amy has a dark side to her character where if something doesn’t happen the way she likes it, she seeks revenge. She did it with a man who had no interest with her, with her previous high school friend, and now Nick, meaning Desi himself is in danger.

I really feel as if Amy’s character is an insecure woman who needs the attention on her, however I find her a lot more evil then Nick. I did not like Nick’s character because although he’s more innocent then Amy, he’s not very honest even when the time comes around that he must come clean and that just got me so pissed off. I can take Amy’s evil plans and manipulations, I can understand her. But Nick? Nick needed to grow a pair.

This book was well written, I’m looking forward to reading the other best seller by Gillan Flynn because I was hooked on this book, and the ending was intense. I loved the last line, the last part just summed up the whole story in one moment.


Whether you are a bully or have been bullied: WONDER by R.J Palacio Book REVIEW!

Don’t judge a boy by his face, don’t judge a book by it’s cover.


I want to express myself, but I can’t. Wonder brings out this emotional side of me that no other book has done recently, not only is it beautifully written for those in middle grade, but it comes with so much courage and overcoming of fear, you can’t help but want to hold August, and Summer, and Jack, and Via, and August’s parents, and even Mr. Toshman.

The story is about a boy name August Pullman ( We will know him as Auggie ) and he lives with his mom, dad and his sister named Olivia (We will know her as Via), as well as their senior dog named daisy. He’s been home school his whole lifetime until he begins 5th grade. Auggie has some enetic condition which resulted in his face to looking deformed with his eyes an inch below where they should normally be, his skin looks like it’s melting, he eats like a tortoise because has a very big and over proportional jaw, and he has cauliflower ears, if he even has any. He gets looked at when he walks through his neighborhood, and the first reaction you get when you see of August is a frighting one, and you can’t help but push your children away (And yes some parents are that heartless). His parents have been over protective over their son, and have been home schooling him, keeping him at a close distance so that no one hurts him, but Auggie knows that he isn’t a normal boy, even though he really wants to be.

Once 5th grade comes around and Auggie isn’t visiting surgical doctors (or the doctors in general) and middle school is about to start his parents decide to enroll him in a very good school, especially since he won’t be the only new kid. Auggie is scared to go to school, he knows people will stare at him, and he’s worried no one will want to be his friend. Meanwhile Olivia will be starting high school in a new school as well.


The best part of this book that it’s told in different perspectives, and you come to love everyone of the characters and hate others ( none of the bad characters have perspectives in the book). I loved this book because I can relate to Auggie, I was a small child going through a number of surgeries, constantly getting bullied maybe not for my physical being, but for who I was. Maybe I was bullied for my physical being but who knows, I was never told. I thought that Auggie was lucky to have so many people around him, even if he could count them on his fingers. This book teaches children, respect, friendship, and courage. You start to notice that in Auggie’s world, the people who are in it also face some challenges.

You notice that Summer and Jack who befriend August have difficulties standing up to the rest of middle school for August and themselves. Especially when the kids in this school decide to start up a trend called “The Plague” in where anyone who touches August has cooties and must wash their hands in 30 seconds before they catch it. Theirs also parts in which Jack and Summer are bribed by offering spots in the popular group if they ditch August, and Jack and Summer must refused not only to be part of the cool kids, but also to be liked by the student body in general.

You also see the problems Olivia faces, having to share her parents with her little brother who always needs more attention. In Olivia’s world, everything and everyone has always been there for August, but no one has ever been there for her. She’s starting High School, and she also wants a regular life, she doesn’t want to be known for her face deformed brother, you can say Olivia’s point of view sort of starts out selfish, but I understand that a kid needs his parents around, and it’s kind of hard to get their attention when your brothers problems are always a little bit more “bigger” then your own. You also get to know Olivia’s boyfriend point of view, which I thought was rather sweet, and her old best friend, Miranda who was always a friend of the families.

I would love to go into more detail, but I don’t really want to ruin this book for you. It’s great, and if you have children or anyone that really matters with situations in which they feel different and unloved, pick this book up and understand them, let them know their is someone out there. That in order to be normal you don’t have to look a certain way or be of a certain status, and you really need to do is have a big heart.

I haven’t posted in 10 days so here’s a sincere apology and more.

Hey Guys,

I haven’t updated by blog in ten days and I am sorry for not keeping up like I said I would. I have also been slacking on my book resolution (read 100 books by the end of the year) even if goodreads say’s I am on the right track, but so far i’ve only finished two books in the month of February, which I will be putting a review up as soon as I feel that I can put them up without feeling like it’s a load of work. I also have decided to move away from the novels and the YA, and all the fictional stuff. I want to move into some more interesting topics that I have felt are a bit complicated for me to tackle, so you’ll be seeing a lot of book reviews on science and mathematics. I will also be finding some more books for those who are into fiction, I won’t stop reading them, i’m just going to not give them so much focus.

I recently went to this beautiful bookstore near my house and also near the closest B&N but i prefer it a lot more. They have all these antique and beautiful books, shelved everywhere. I am a huge believer that books shouldn’t have any certain order when it comes to the years they were published, the older the better. The smell of a new book is wonderful, but the feeling of an old book in your hands is a lot better. This bookstore is run by a couple of folks and back in my YA years, I loved to be in that atmosphere. The feeling hasn’t changed. The picture below is how my cute little book store looks. I adore this freaken place.


For my reptile lovers, I have been scavenging for reptile books to share on the page. I will be getting back to you on those. I also am happy that spring is coming right around the corner which means their will be time to explore the great outdoors and record some of my field work here. I am also excited to find new topics for us to talk about, because after all this is a friendly reptile blog to help you educate yourself, or if you have a fear of reptiles, help you overcome it. That is always my goal with people! 

Now here’s my sincere apology to you guys on why I haven’t been posting (10 days). The truth is I suffer from Chronic Depression or it’s also known as Dysthymia and it’s basically when you’ve suffered from depression for a long period of time, and it’s just lingering their for a while and would need treatment (such as medication or therapeutical help) but even then it’s hard to overcome. I am not a fan of taking medications that can also cause worse symptoms, and i’ve left my therapy due to personal reasons but I am in search of one now because I can no longer deal with it.  Dysthymia normally starts in your childhood and follows you throughout your adulthood, in my case i’ve had it says I was 11.

Here’s what the WebMD has to say about Dysthymia:


What Causes Dysthymia?

Experts are not sure what causes dysthymia or depression. Genes may play a role, but many affected people will not have a family history of depression, and others with family history will not have depression problems. Changes in levels of brain chemicals are also believed to be involved. Major life stressors, chronic illness, medications, and relationship or work problems may also increase the chances of dysthymia.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Dysthymia?

The symptoms of dysthymia are the same as those of major depression but not as intense and include the following:

  • sadness or depressed mood most of the day or almost every day
  • loss of enjoyment in things that were once pleasurable
  • major change in weight (gain or loss of more than 5% of weight within a month) or appetite 
  • insomnia or excessive sleep almost every day
  • physically restless or rundown that is noticeable by others
  • fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness or excessive guilt almost every day
  • problems with concentration or making decisions almost every day
  • recurring thoughts of death or suicide, suicide plan, or suicide attempt

Living with Dysthymia isn’t easy, and therefore I get into these moods where I can’t do what I love, I have no energy to do anything. So i am very sorry for not writing to you guys, I should really do it. It makes me feel a lot better. I also enjoy the idea of opening up to you guys about these things, since I’ve recently felt very alone and felt that i can’t open up to anybody.